Maggie Orth, PhD
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Orth is an artist and technologist who designs and invents interactive
textiles in Seattle, WA. She received her Phd. in Media Arts and
Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab
in June 2001. Her academic work at the Media Lab (1997-2001) included
patents, research, publications and design in new physical interfaces,
wearable computing, electronic textiles, and interactive textile
musical instruments. Prior to her academic work, she worked at the
Media Lab as the Production Director and Designer of Tod Machover's
massive, interactive musical production, Brain Opera (1996-7). Before
joining the Media Lab, she earned a Masters at MIT's Center for
Advanced Visual Studies, and a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design.
Her work has been widely exhibited at the Museum of Science, Boston,
MA, NTT ICC, InterCommuncication Center, Japan, The National Textile
Museum, Washington DC, The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The DeCordeva
Museum, MA, SIGGRAPH, and Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria. She has
been named a 2007 USA
Target Fellow, one of 50 recipients of unrestricted fellowship
grants of $50,000 in recognition of their creative work. Orth describes
herself as someone who "makes things", and looks forward
to the challenge of making beautiful, practical and wearable art
fashion and technology products a reality. View Maggie's electronic
textile artwork at www.maggieorth.com.
(Links opens in a new window.)
Grace Colby
Senior Advisor
Grace Colby is a founder of Art and Technology Group, where she
established the design department and served as Vice President of
Design. She was a key member of the senior management team that
transitioned the company from a small design/technology company
of 12 people to a major software product company with over 150 employees.
Grace Colby is a graduate of the Media Lab and the prestigious Visible
Language Workshop led by Muriel Cooper. Today, Grace brings her
combined experience in design, business and technology to a select
design technology ventures, including IFM.
Barrett Comiskey
Board Member and Asian Business Advisor
Comiskey, a co-founder of E-ink, brings his extensive experience
in developing and commercializing new technology and display materials
to IFM. After pioneering the original E-ink research at the MIT,
he then co-founded E-ink (1997), where he led the development and
manufacturing of its electronic ink and took a on business role,
structuring major Asian alliances. Barrett speaks French, Spanish,
and Mandarin, and has over 24 issued US Patents. He has been profiled
in the Wall Street Journal Marketplace, Wired, Fortune, and has
recently been selected by the World Economic Forum as a Technology
Pioneer for 2002.
Yuka Petz
Director of Print and Web Design
Samantha Bittman
E-Textile Designer and Developer
Karen Han
Intern, Autumn 2007
Allison Jones
Intern, Summer 2007
Leigh Forsstrom
Intern, Summer 2006
Intern, Winter 2005
Ralph Nuara
Intern, Summer 2003
Joanna Berzowska
Co-founder and Senior Design Advisor
Joey Berzowska is an assistant professor at Concordia University.
She received her Masters of Science degree from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, for her work in expressive software and
computational drawing, titled Computational Expressionism. Her art
and design work has been shown in the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery in Los
Angeles, the Art Directors Club in NYC, the Australian Museum in
Sydney, the NTT ICC in Tokyo, as well as in Montreal, Boston, Mexico
City, Linz and Cannes.