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Try Our Products

We are happy to offer 3 options to help you get better acquainted with our products:

1) Purchase a dimmer for yourself or your clients. Both the ESSENTIAL™ Wall Dimmer and the POM POM™ Wall Dimmer are available in a range of color options for $99 each. You can place your order directly through this web site.

2) Purchase a sample dimmer board. Our sample board includes a fully installed ESSENTIAL™ or POM POM™ dimmer and light bulb. All you need to do is plug it in and give it a gentle touch. The sample board is available for $129.00 (plus shipping and handling) and is a fun thing to have in your office or keep in the materials collection in your studio. Everyone will enjoy experimenting with it.

3) Borrow a sample dimmer board. Just pay shipping and handling on the sample board and enjoy it for 30 days before returning it or purchasing it from us.

If you have any questions or comments, or are interested in ordering a sample dimmer board, please feel free to contact IFM.



Easy, Safe & Durable


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